School is Cool
Enjoyed my first night of class last night. This will be a nice group because I only have 4 or 5 students. The lab that I am working in is really cool. Each machine has both a 17" and a 19" monitor on a dual video card. Definitely a good working environment for Graphic Design.
I am enjoying trying this new Blackboard utility. I was able to go to the website of the book publisher and download the instructor files. What's nice is that they've already done the work for getting the quiz information put into item bank format for this utility. All I have to do is pick the questions I want the students to answer and have them do it!
Went tonight to get my personnel information taken care of. I have a large packet of stuff to fill out to get back to the school. I think it will be worth it if I can do at least one class each quarter. Perhaps something will be available during the summer.