Rain, Rain, Go Away
Not really - I am actually glad we are getting some rain. It has been unseasonably warm this winter. The only good thing about the weather being warmer than normal is that the heat doesn't have to run as often making our electric bill a little lighter on the wallet.
Had a really strange dream last night. Glad to be dreaming because it means that I am getting good sleep. I just don't understand why we have such odd dreams about stuff and places that make absolutely no sense. I remember when I was little I used to have this recurring dream that I was climbing a mountain and would fall every time. Right after we moved to our new house, I finally reached the top of the mountain. Crazy thing is that it was the kitchen counter at the old house. VERY odd...
I remember several things from the dream last night, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. We were at some outdoor music thing under a pavilion. Since I didn't have an upright bass, this guy offered to let me use his. He played it kinda weird and it was too tall for me. So I tried to move the stand down a little bit and something crazy happened to the bridge. Needless to say I didn't get to play. Several other things happened, but I remember these two bums trying to steal my money I had placed on top of this farm equipment for a second while I looked for something in my wallet. The next thing I remember I was in some sort of restaurant looking for the boy and entertaining people by acting crazy. I wish I remembered more...