Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Schönes Jubiläum!

8 years ago today my wife and I began our life together as one. It has not been the smoothest of roads, but I wouldn't give anything for it! Just like anyone else, we've had our ups and downs, but we got throught it... together. There have been many mileposts along the way - home ownership, vehicle ownership, many churches, many jobs, but I would say the best thing that has happened to us has been our boys. Our two little men are growing up fast. I can't thank my wife enough for giving me such magnificent gifts - her hand in marriage, her trust and belief in me and those two little miracles that sleep in the next room every night. I hope to one day be able to show her how much the three of them mean to me, but I don't know if words will ever be able to express the depth, height, width and length of its measure. All I can offer is I Love You!!!